Friday, April 18, 2008

Curt Weldon transfers $70K to legal defense fund

There's a couple in interesting tidbits Yahoo News.

The really new piece of news is that Weldon has a legal defense fund called the "Weldon Legal Expense Trust". I would call it the "Expenses Because Weldon Couldn't Trusted" fund.

The $70,000 was transfered from his misnamed "Weldon Victory Committee". I would have called the "Weldon Long Overdue Defeat Committee", because Sestak beat Weldon by a huge margin.

This $70,000 ($50,000 2/29/08 and $20,000 3/31/08) is accompanied by a $5,000 payment to Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP.

This brings Weldon's total to over $244,000 for his criminal defense AND HE HASN'T EVEN BEEN TO TRIAL YET. Two years and a lot of money to defend against whatever the grand jury is investigating. Besides all the documents the FBI retrieved from Sexton, Weldon, Weldon's daughter and elsewhere, the wiretaps must have a lot in them as well. If the FBI taped months of Weldon and Sexton, in all their GOP glory, it could take quite a while to read all the charges and counts against them (let alone document them).

I was blogging quite a bit against the Weldon drones back then and some were obvious campaign personnel. I doubt any of the blog-o-sphere aspect of the campaign will have made the tapes or the transcripts, as I doubt either of those two dinosaurs could find their asses a blog in the dark with both hands, a flashlight, and a mirror. It would be interesting to hear what the campaign's thinking behind the scenes about the Internet vs Old School. However, even if they did discuss such topics, they'd be redacted from the transcripts (unless they talked about knee-capping bloggers).