Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why Gil Spencer Can Go Fuck Himself

Gil Spencer recently posted what I considered to be a final straw of gay bashing on his blog. In a posting, he went after Congressman Barney Frank on the recent financial crisis. However, Spencer devoted 1/3 of his posting to a 20-year old gay-sex story/scandal involving Frank's boyfriend at the time.

I called him on it, as it had nothing to do with the financial crisis, as Spencer is clearly pursuing an anti-gay agenda. There is NO other acceptable excuse to conflate the two stories.

I called him on it TWICE in his own blog. Unsatisfied with Spencer's response, I contacted his editor. Spencer, being the total pussy that he is, whined and cried, and then banned me from his blog and "explained" my banning with his own one-sided summary, that left out the key details.

Spencer then has the audacity (not of hope) to bar me until he gets an apology from me. Well, he can go fuck himself. He clearly prefers the racists and bigots that his blog attracts like flies to shit.

Gil Spencer's clearly bigoted comments, reprinted here (lest he delete/hide the evidence):
Frank, as a powerful member of the House Financial Services Committee, bears as much responsibility as any politician in Washington for this mess.

But he's showing even less shame about it than when his boyfriend, Steve Gobie, got caught running a gay prostitution ring out of his Washington D.C. apartment 20 years ago.

Back then Frank excused his behavior as naive. He said he was just trying to help Gobie.

"I thought I was going to be a liberal who got involved directly with an individual who needed help, that I had an individual who was going to get help and he took me."

No doubt when you answer an ad from a gay newspaper that says: "Exceptionally good-looking, personable, muscular athlete is available. Hot bottom plus large endowment equals a good time," you're looking to "HELP" someone.

Right. That story is 20 years old. And Barney Frank has changed. He's gotten even MORE shameless.

No wonder the word "liberal" has become an epithet.

Spencer tries to equate gay and liberal and epithet to bash and demean. Think of the way gays were viewed 20 years ago. Reagan was still in office and the AIDS crisis was ignored while people died. The religious right spread misinformation and treated it like a punishment from God. This is the era in which Gil Spencer's remarks would be welcomed.