Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why Gil Spencer Can Go Fuck Himself

Gil Spencer recently posted what I considered to be a final straw of gay bashing on his blog. In a posting, he went after Congressman Barney Frank on the recent financial crisis. However, Spencer devoted 1/3 of his posting to a 20-year old gay-sex story/scandal involving Frank's boyfriend at the time.

I called him on it, as it had nothing to do with the financial crisis, as Spencer is clearly pursuing an anti-gay agenda. There is NO other acceptable excuse to conflate the two stories.

I called him on it TWICE in his own blog. Unsatisfied with Spencer's response, I contacted his editor. Spencer, being the total pussy that he is, whined and cried, and then banned me from his blog and "explained" my banning with his own one-sided summary, that left out the key details.

Spencer then has the audacity (not of hope) to bar me until he gets an apology from me. Well, he can go fuck himself. He clearly prefers the racists and bigots that his blog attracts like flies to shit.

Gil Spencer's clearly bigoted comments, reprinted here (lest he delete/hide the evidence):
Frank, as a powerful member of the House Financial Services Committee, bears as much responsibility as any politician in Washington for this mess.

But he's showing even less shame about it than when his boyfriend, Steve Gobie, got caught running a gay prostitution ring out of his Washington D.C. apartment 20 years ago.

Back then Frank excused his behavior as naive. He said he was just trying to help Gobie.

"I thought I was going to be a liberal who got involved directly with an individual who needed help, that I had an individual who was going to get help and he took me."

No doubt when you answer an ad from a gay newspaper that says: "Exceptionally good-looking, personable, muscular athlete is available. Hot bottom plus large endowment equals a good time," you're looking to "HELP" someone.

Right. That story is 20 years old. And Barney Frank has changed. He's gotten even MORE shameless.

No wonder the word "liberal" has become an epithet.

Spencer tries to equate gay and liberal and epithet to bash and demean. Think of the way gays were viewed 20 years ago. Reagan was still in office and the AIDS crisis was ignored while people died. The religious right spread misinformation and treated it like a punishment from God. This is the era in which Gil Spencer's remarks would be welcomed.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sarah Plain and TallPalin and Small-minded

Since Sarah Palin hit the big stage, almost everyday seems to reveal new information about her and her far right-wing social conservative ideology and overall unfitness to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

God, Guns and Gays
Palin is an extreme religious conservative. I believe that a person's religious beliefs should not be a barrier to office, under the ONE CONDITION that he/she does not desire to impose his/her religious beliefs one others through the government. Even as mayor of her tiny town, ran on a campaign based on her religion, and once on office Palin attempted to ban books and fire the town librarian. She cannot be trusted to separate Church and State, which is what supporters like Dobson are counting upon.
When she ran for mayor against the former mayor, John Stein, she campaign with "We will have our first Christian mayor.". Stein was a Lutheran, so Palin clearly brought Antisemitism into her campaign strategy. (I wonder if Joe Lieberman is aware of this?)

She has stated her believe that the Iraq War is part of God's plan. She also claims that God wants a $30 billion gas pipeline in Alaska.

She is a lifelong N.R.A. member and aligned with their dangerous agenda. She likes shooting wolves using aerial hunting, too.

She sought to deny health benefits to same-sex-couple state workers. "Gov. Sarah Palin's church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer.". It not hard to realize that if elected she will fight to continue the ban on gays in the military.

War on Science
Like most ideologues, Palin rejected established science in favor of her ideology in forming public policy. She refuses to accept that global warming has a man-made component. She refuses to recognize the need to put polar bears on the endangered species list. She wants Creationism taught in the schools next to evolution, as though the two were equivalent theories.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin: Repairing the Cracks in the Glass Ceiling

Over the long weekend, I've been trying to understand McCain's choice of Sarah Palin, and it becomes more mysterious with each revelation about her. I've come to several conclusions, which I may still revamp if the drip-drip-drip continues.

Obviously, Palin was a surrender by McCain to the radical, regressive, social conservatives and purveyors of Medieval science. She's a gun-toting, pro-life, Creationist that doesn't believe in protecting bears, global warming or teaching sex education. She seems like Mike Huckabee on estrogen as McCain appears to have found Jame Dobson's G-spot.

The Romney and Pawlenty supporters are rightly angry, and one can only wonder what sacrifices McCain will have to make at their altars.

However, the choice is so disastrous that I'm left with several possibilities:

1) That McCain was much more pissed at Bush and the Republican Party than anyone realized when he flirted with a run as Kerry's VP in 2004. McCain appears to be running a campaign that will not only lead to Obama's victory and the undoing of the Bush legacy, but to the complete evisceration of the Republican Party. The GOP seems to be on the verge of self-destruction.

2) McCain's too old-school to believe a woman should ever be Commander in Chief, and Hillary's candidacy got too close for comfort. By introducing Palin as the peak of feminine political achievement, he either intended to make Hillary's head explode (eliminating her), or to repair the cracks in the glass ceiling while adding a layer of shatterproof Plexiglas.

3) McCain wanted to demonstrate his support for the 2nd Amendment by shooting himself in the foot.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama vs McCain InTrade Market

The polling data that gets released daily, and reported by the media, often glosses over sample size, the dates over which the poll was taken, registered vs likely voters (and under-counting the new voters), and finally: failing to relate this to the Electoral College.

Despite the apparent/deceptive closeness in the polls, the odds are running about 60/40 in Obama's favor as the the likelihood he will beat McCain. The trading market represents a consensus opinion of where traders see the election going and the "stock value" of each candidate.

These trading markets (while not always perfect predictors) do represent a "collective wisdom" of experts and amateurs and have made some good predictions in the past, that were missed by other techniques.

BTW, GOP VP odds running about 70/20 for Romney vs Pawlenty

Here's the latest Presidential odds (this is link to InTrade, so it should stay up to date).



Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Who Stole my Cheese?

Steven Pearlstein in the Washington Post has an interesting article Our Inequality of Outcomes.

In the article, he discusses recent Census and Congressional Budget Office data to explain:
But over the past 35 years, the typical American household has managed to eke out only a 15 percent increase in its pretax income. During that same period, the productivity of the American worker -- the value of the goods and services produced per hour worked -- has increased by 90 percent.

So where did all that money go?

Pearlstein explains the failures of the Bush, Republican and McCain tax plans that favored the rich over the poor (and explains it better than I normally do).

He also cuts through the criticisms and explains the merits of Obama's tax plans.

The article is very illuminating.

Bacteria Can Provide Clean Energy

Long term renewable energy is critical to our future. While many technologies are in the early stages, a lot of progress has been and continues to be made.

Every few weeks I read an article about a new method being discovered or an improvement in yields, energy efficiency or a new catalyst created by nanotechnology.

Science Daily: Hydrogen producers


Cyanobacteria to produce fuel
A key point noted by Eva Mari Aro, the vice-chair of the ESF conference, was that there is now universal agreement over the ability of photosynthesis to provide large amounts of clean energy in future. While the sustainable options currently pursued such as wind and tidal power will meet some requirements, they will not be able to replace fossil fuels as sources of solid energy for driving engines, nor are they likely to be capable on their own of generating enough electricity for the whole planet.
Meanwhile the current generation of biofuel producing crops generally convert less than 1% of the solar energy they receive to biomass, which means they would displace too much agricultural land used for food production to be viable on a large scale. There is the potential to develop dedicated systems, whether based on cyanobacteria, plants, or artificial components, capable of much higher efficiencies, reaching 10% efficiency of solar energy conversion. This would enable enough energy and fuel to be produced for a large part of the planet's needs without causing significant loss of space for food production.

Over the next few years, we will see the discovery and reapplication of existing bacteria, followed by genetic modifications and eventually some man-made "bacteria".
Bacteria can produce oil/gas type of hydrocarbon fuels as well as hydrogen for fuel cells.

SpencerBlog Gets Lamer

Today, Gil Spencer decided to change his blog to "Comments Moderated" to stem the tide of posting that spiral out of control (mostly because he never enforced much before and allowed blatant racism to run rampant).

Initial reaction was varied, but formed a consensus that Spencer was too lazy to keep it up for long or that people would get bored and go away.

Here at PADelcoWatch, the moderation is pretty limited, but you must post under a real Blogger Identity. NO ANONYMOUS POSTING (though, an blogger identity can be an alias, at least it will be a consistent one).

Let's see if I can get more hits than Spencer, by giving posters that instant gratification from seeing their post right away, not worrying it got lost, and having a rapid turnaround for debates.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Curt Weldon transfers $70K to legal defense fund

There's a couple in interesting tidbits Yahoo News.

The really new piece of news is that Weldon has a legal defense fund called the "Weldon Legal Expense Trust". I would call it the "Expenses Because Weldon Couldn't Trusted" fund.

The $70,000 was transfered from his misnamed "Weldon Victory Committee". I would have called the "Weldon Long Overdue Defeat Committee", because Sestak beat Weldon by a huge margin.

This $70,000 ($50,000 2/29/08 and $20,000 3/31/08) is accompanied by a $5,000 payment to Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP.

This brings Weldon's total to over $244,000 for his criminal defense AND HE HASN'T EVEN BEEN TO TRIAL YET. Two years and a lot of money to defend against whatever the grand jury is investigating. Besides all the documents the FBI retrieved from Sexton, Weldon, Weldon's daughter and elsewhere, the wiretaps must have a lot in them as well. If the FBI taped months of Weldon and Sexton, in all their GOP glory, it could take quite a while to read all the charges and counts against them (let alone document them).

I was blogging quite a bit against the Weldon drones back then and some were obvious campaign personnel. I doubt any of the blog-o-sphere aspect of the campaign will have made the tapes or the transcripts, as I doubt either of those two dinosaurs could find their asses a blog in the dark with both hands, a flashlight, and a mirror. It would be interesting to hear what the campaign's thinking behind the scenes about the Internet vs Old School. However, even if they did discuss such topics, they'd be redacted from the transcripts (unless they talked about knee-capping bloggers).

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Joe vs The Sidekick?

From Today's Daily News:
GOP delays nominations

The Delaware County Republican Party's nomination convention has been postponed from today until next Tuesday, putting off the selection of candidates for the 7th Congressional District and other races.

The party is considering nominating W. Craig Williams, an assistant U.S. attorney working under U.S. Attorney Pat Meehan in Philadelphia, to run against Democratic U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak, according to party sources.

So, if true, the GOP scramble to "duel" Sestak has resulted in the GOP's primary dueler failing to show up and leaving his "second" to take the bullet.

The "W" stands for "Wendell". Wendell Williams does satisfy one of the comic book staples of having names with alliteration. (Lex Luthor, Peter Parker, Lois Lane, etc.)