Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hey McGarrigle: Failing to Pay Taxes is Not the Same as "Cutting Taxes"

In Today's Delco Times, McGarrigle's Taxing Problems are revealed.

Republican Delaware County Council candidate Thomas McGarrigle once owed thousands of dollars in school taxes and other liens, making his opposition question his stance on fiscal responsibility.

For the tax years 1990 and 1991, McGarrigle owed the Southeast Delco School District a total of $15,198, according to county Common Pleas Court records. He also owed $3,203 in sales taxes between September 2000 and June 2001 for a Springfield property; liens of $571 and $412 for sewer rent in 1995 and 1996, respectively, at that property; and $831 for sewer maintenance on a Sharon Hill property.

McGarrigle said the Sharon Hill property was an apartment house he had sold to the county Housing Authority and did not believe he still owned it at the time of the service.

The other sewer liens he attributed to a possible problem with payments through his mortgage company, of which he was not aware. McGarrigle said he is also still wrestling with red tape at the Department of Revenue to clear up the 2000 and 2001 taxes on his record.

So, let's see if I got this right...

McGarrigle wants to control a $560 million dollar County Budget, but he can't even keep track of the taxes and ownership of his own Apartment house?

But, what's worse is that McGarrigle defended his knowing decision not to pay taxes on his gas station in the early 1990's as his best business judgment!
"He added standing in line at the county Tax Claim Bureau with others who were struggling had helped him resolve to get involved in politics." I guess he figured out that cashing in on the the GOP political machine was the way to go.

The article points out that he eventually paid off his taxes and penalties, though he's still "wrestling with red tape at the Department of Revenue to clear up the 2000 and 2001 taxes on his record."

But for a guy that thinks taxes are "optional" when times get tough for himself, his talking point that he never voted for a tax increase doesn't inspire confidence that he can be trusted to make ANY responsible tax decisions.

He forgets that taxes pay for things. Taxes pay to help out people struggling and worse off than he was. Taxes pay for child health care. And, how about all the State revenue that comes into Delco. From where does McGarrigle think it comes? Even the Tooth Fairy expects you to pitch in with a tooth.

From some of the amounts, it seems like he went a while without paying (sort of like having his own private business loan from the state, at the expense of the other business owners that did pay their taxes on time). So, for the honest businessmen out there struggling to make ends meet and able to plan a budget that includes required taxes, everyone of you has demonstrated better business sense.

Does anyone think that a guy that avoided paying his taxes on time will go after fraud and corruption in County government?

We can do better. By voting for David Landau, Ann O'Keefe and John Innelli. you can make it better.

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