Tuesday, August 26, 2008

SpencerBlog Gets Lamer

Today, Gil Spencer decided to change his blog to "Comments Moderated" to stem the tide of posting that spiral out of control (mostly because he never enforced much before and allowed blatant racism to run rampant).

Initial reaction was varied, but formed a consensus that Spencer was too lazy to keep it up for long or that people would get bored and go away.

Here at PADelcoWatch, the moderation is pretty limited, but you must post under a real Blogger Identity. NO ANONYMOUS POSTING (though, an blogger identity can be an alias, at least it will be a consistent one).

Let's see if I can get more hits than Spencer, by giving posters that instant gratification from seeing their post right away, not worrying it got lost, and having a rapid turnaround for debates.


steve mcdonald said...

such a shame. The blog was fun before ":management" killed it this morning. It would be interesting to see if randal would finally open a blogger account in order to join in on the other blogs.

Maybe I open the "Bizarro-Spencerblog?"

David Diano said...

Welcome to my blog!

Randal Davis actually does have a blogger id with his name, he just never uses it.

I think he stopped because it would make it easier for the Secret Service to trace him if he continued to make threats against Obama. He had one so bad that in was one of Spencer's rare interventions to delete it.

steve mcdonald said...

thank you for the welcome. Doesn't matter where we all migrate to, I'm open for going with the flow., so whichever blog it is, so be it. I agree, randal should use his ID. I only did it because1) Didn't want forgers and 2) I was getting depressed to see my responses come up as "steve mcdoanld" from quick typing...

randal should get the "spency" award for "most deleted 2008"

David Diano said...

Unlike SpencerBlog, I'll try to be more balanced in my Topics (in the sense that I'll try to key off of actual news pieces, rather than xxx-wing Op-Ed and Blogs).

Spencer's pretty damn lazy, going to mostly one or two sources of right-wing nonsense.

I saw a great news article about increasing bio-fuel yields.

Franny Ward said...

I must put up some political poast over a ILIDC. Just maybe I'll see you to reply..


Franny Ward said...

Er, "Post", not "Poast". I just had some Toast for breakfast lol.