Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sarah Plain and TallPalin and Small-minded

Since Sarah Palin hit the big stage, almost everyday seems to reveal new information about her and her far right-wing social conservative ideology and overall unfitness to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

God, Guns and Gays
Palin is an extreme religious conservative. I believe that a person's religious beliefs should not be a barrier to office, under the ONE CONDITION that he/she does not desire to impose his/her religious beliefs one others through the government. Even as mayor of her tiny town, ran on a campaign based on her religion, and once on office Palin attempted to ban books and fire the town librarian. She cannot be trusted to separate Church and State, which is what supporters like Dobson are counting upon.
When she ran for mayor against the former mayor, John Stein, she campaign with "We will have our first Christian mayor.". Stein was a Lutheran, so Palin clearly brought Antisemitism into her campaign strategy. (I wonder if Joe Lieberman is aware of this?)

She has stated her believe that the Iraq War is part of God's plan. She also claims that God wants a $30 billion gas pipeline in Alaska.

She is a lifelong N.R.A. member and aligned with their dangerous agenda. She likes shooting wolves using aerial hunting, too.

She sought to deny health benefits to same-sex-couple state workers. "Gov. Sarah Palin's church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer.". It not hard to realize that if elected she will fight to continue the ban on gays in the military.

War on Science
Like most ideologues, Palin rejected established science in favor of her ideology in forming public policy. She refuses to accept that global warming has a man-made component. She refuses to recognize the need to put polar bears on the endangered species list. She wants Creationism taught in the schools next to evolution, as though the two were equivalent theories.


steve mcdonald said...

I wouldn't worry about Palin's beliefs being forced on the citizens if she's only a VP selection.

Is Spencerblog dead?

David Diano said...

Actually, you should be worried.

Issues like stem cell research, funding for science education, (biology/evolution key area for keeping US at top of biotech), separation of church and state, etc.

The VP does a lot of work behind the scenes rallying votes and gets to vote on Senate tie breakers. In McCain's case, the actuarial odds of him dying in office are about 1/6 (given age and cancer history). Palin is then like the 1 bullet in six-chamber Russian roulette.

Besides, with the stories coming out of Alaska, she is looking more like someone that takes advantage of her office.
(Trooper-gate, firing her legislative director for having an extra-marital affair, per-diems while staying at home, FOR the bridge to nowhere, hired Washington lobbyist to get $27 million in earmarks for her town, left her town $20 million in debt)

Obama and Biden understand the National problems and have solutions. McCain's economic policies are the same as Bush's that got us into this mess.

BTW, there's something fishy about the recent polls. It seems that for several of them, the ratio of "Rep/Dems/Ind asked" increased from previous polls. This is significant because the poll doesn't reflect the ratio of these groups in the country and previous polls.

Basically, more than half of McCain's bounce is due to a change in the method by having more Republicans in the sample compared to previous polls. That is just bad methodology.

The other inherent problem is that the pollsters do NOT have up-to-date data on new registrants. I know this because I do voter database work for the party, and at the time of the Primary I had more up-to-date Pennsylvania data than the DNC database used by Clinton and Obama campaigns, because of the lag. There is also a great difficulty contacting the new, young voters that may be at school or have cell-phones and can't be reached by pollsters.

I think (hope) that the current bounce for McCain is temporary and once Palin gets scrutinized, that the fundamentals (economy, health-care, jobs) will dominate.

steve mcdonald said...

I was assuming you'd write some sort of post here about your ouster, what have you been doing in the last few days?

David Diano said...

Not much. The new TV season has started so I've got better things to do than blog. Spencer's slow turn-around time makes it not even worth posting there anymore. His "moderation" is a joke, since he still lets in a lot of the racist crap that Randal spews, or the bigotry of Shields.

I did post MY side to SpencerBlog (including the actual email that I sent to Phil Heron which mostly matched what I had posted to Spencerblog), but Gil was too much of a pussy to publish my side.

I'm actually getting tired of Spencer's bigotry as well.

The site is practically a ghost-town anyway with 0, 1 or 2 comments per posting.

Since I won't be around, please check out:

to get the counter-arguments to the right-wing spin.

steve mcdonald said...

I am personally getting tired of talking politics anymore - we've been discussing the next president since 2006 - whatever will CNN talk about when its all over? Will the War return to their scope in 2009? Whatever the outcome of the presidential election - my overall wishes will not be satisfied - the "most important election in generations" will not be fulfilled by a candidate worthy of the position (I wanted an executive not a senator) - I fully expect continuous issues into 2009 and 2010 no matter who's in charge - so I'm ready to shut off the news - maybe move over to "Spongebob".

"The Office" is back on TV, maybe America can learn to laugh again. Also, my personal favorite is "Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia"; brilliantly funny with some very sharp humor - Dann yDevito was a great addition to the cast in Season 2. When it comes to working a stressful job, handling the bills, renovations to the house and family at a relatively young age, sometimes all I can ask for is a laugh.

I don't agree with the moderation on Spencerblog, but you can't separate Gil from his views. He's not a beat reporter - he is what he is - an op-ed reporter with conservative views. And, lets be honest, Gil's in the minority when it comes to his field (Look at the Inquirer and Daily News with John M. Baer, Dick Polman, Fatimah Ali, Ronnie Polansky, Will Bunch, Elmer Smith vs who, Michael Smerconish?) Rather than get riled up, respect him for who he is, or petition Delco times to pick up a syndicate op-ed column with liberal views in order to balance out the opinions page. (e.g. Daily News' days with Michele Malkin or their present attempts with Rick Santorum)

I wouldn't get riled up because Gil's views don't mesh with yours.

Best wishes.