Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Delco Budget: Bulging, Bloated and ...Busted !

It seems Rocco's letter to the editor stirred up quite a bit of controversy (and nervousness among the GOP). The GOP likes to brag that they haven't had to raise taxes in three years. However, a comparison of Delco budget to Montgomery County's budget reveals that the Delco GOP County Council is spending 66% more per person.

In case the viewers at home want to play along... I have links to the two 2007 budgets: Delco Budget and Montco Budget (from the county websites).

Delco's 2007 budget is $304.8 million from the General Fund and an additional $260.5 million from State and Federal sources for a Grand Total of $565.3 million (I'll round down to $565 million.

Montco's budget is $269 million and an additional $194 million in grants for a Grant Total of $463 million.

  • Montco spends $100 million less than Delco.
  • The GOP tries to confuse things by claiming that we get more grant money from State and Fed, but that doesn't explain why we need $65.5 million more in state funds. On what (or whom) are we spending it?
  • Delco's budget from the General Fund is nearly $36 million more than Montco's.
  • According to 2000 census information, the population of Delco is about 550,000 and Montco is 750,000.
  • Delco is spending about $1027 per person (about $552 of which from the General Fund). Montco is spending only about $617 per person (with only $359 coming from the General Fund.
  • Delco spends $1027/$617 ==> 66% more per person. If we exclude the grant money from State and Fed then $552/$359 ==> 54% more per person.
  • The Delco Republicans are bragging that they haven't raised taxes in 3 year. DUH! We are already paying above 50% more per person. and the State/Fed is kicking in TWICE as much per person.

Where is all the money going? Waste? Fraud? Nepotism? Patronage? Kickbacks? Total incompetence?

The GOP survives and thrives on keeping the facts hidden from the voters and maintaining the status quo.

What do "The Three Stooges" have to say about the budgets? The [GOP] candidates are committed to the same common sense approach to county government that has resulted in no tax increases for three straight years (2005, 2006, and 2007). (directly from their campaign website)

Translation: If the GOP collects at least 50% more person than Montco, we can pretend to hold the line on taxes by manipulating the unnecessary extra revenue. Shhh! Don't tell the voters.

Ooops! Cat's out of the bag now!


whynotus said...

I'm not sure about your math or the validity of the data, but it raises some questions that need to be asked and answered before people go to the polls--

Pat--What is your boy Andy's position?

David Diano said...


Well, I got the data from the official County websites (and linked to them as well, for the paranoid).

As for, the math and interpretation is just add/subtraction/multiply/divide. :-)